Runner I

I found my legs

and then learned to walk

but walking was not enough

Tiny me had to go faster, faster, faster.

I needed to run.

And so I did,

around the oval track

400, 800, 1500, in lock step

with my team.

Leaping over hurdles

was like flying.

I run on the streets now,

and through the forest,

the deer wink at me

when I go flying by.

“She is a runner”, they whisper,

“a kindred spirit”.

I blow kisses at them

and disappear into the world

that is my own head.

My thoughts and dreams

fuel my legs forward.

Runner I.

I Run.

I wrote this to remember the Boston Marathon Massacre. Running is a universal sport that engages people from all over the world. My prayers go out to the families of the victims who died and to those who were wounded.

©2013 Lynn Marshall-Linnemeier